October launch new garment range

We don’t add new products for the sake of it, we have to wait until we find nice ones that we like and would actually want to  wear….never easy, but the waiting is over for a while, thanks to the new Stanley & Stella collection from our friends in Belgium.

The range takes its name from the 50’s classic movie ‘A Streetcar Named Desire,’  in which Marlon Brando, playing the character Stanley, wore his T-shirts as they’d never been worn before….


These images lifted the humble T from an unseen garment to be worn with massive underpants, to the iconic fashion statement it is today.

As for Stella, she didn’t wear any T-shirts, but she had plenty of presence, as might you in the rather lovely girls range…

Unlike the 50’s, these garments have planet saving values, and  are all organic, sustainable and politically correct.

We have chosen a handful of recommended tasters in our Stanley & Stella section, but for the full range please follow these links…

See what’s on offer here. More to come

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